1.5 cu. ft. NC625


Native Recycled 

Tree & Shrub Mulch


Mycorrhizal Fungi

      •   Contains: Native Recycled Trees and 

           Shrubs, Compost, Molasses, Corn Meal, 

           Green Sand

    •     Weed and Disease Free

    •     Improves Native Soils

    •     Contains Mycorrhizal Fungi

    •     Holds Moisture

    •     Kid and Pet Friendly

Nature’s Creation® Native Recycled Tree & Shrub Mulch with Mycorrhizal Fungi improves and sustains the soil’s health. This rich formula is just what trees and shrubs need to flourish in our less than ideal native soils. We blend the most effective Vascular Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi with Native Recycled Trees and Shrubs, Compost, Molasses, Corn Meal and Greensand.

 Nature’s Creation® 

P. O. Box 700932 San Antonio, TX 78270