CedarRepel Insect Repellent Red Cedar Granules
• Natural Insect Repellent
•. Chemical Free
• Pleasant Scent
• Easy to Apply
• Long Lasting
• Kid and Pet Safe
NC410 3/4 Cu. Ft. Bag
Nature’s Creation® CedarRepel Insect Repellent Red Cedar Granules are effective against mosquitoes, ants, beetles, crickets, chiggers, chinch bugs, fleas, flies, gnats, termites, grubs, scorpions, and numerous other pests including, but not limited to slugs, snails, and snakes. Nature’s Creation® CedarRepel Insect Repellent Red Cedar Granules will repel or impair the mental facilities of intruders of areas treated with the product resulting in an exodus of unwanted pests.